Adefoluke Shemsu
Adefoluke Shemsu

Outside my formal education and professional interests resting at the intersection of technology, data, and impact-oriented work, I've always been enthralled by the written works of philosophers, political strategists, and other intellectual people. My default function is to deconstruct things, so when I read or listen to their esoteric perspectives, I put my mental pen to paper to understand how to modernize and append lessons from them to my own experiences.

Every now and then, I write about some of the concepts I found most interesting to communicate pragmatic, modern, effective ways to integrate some of these ideas into daily life.

Adefoluke Shemsu

Adefoluke Shemsu


Just a guy who happens to be inspired by complexity, the little axioms that move civilization, and the underappreciated elements of who we are.